Jaylon Sifuentes



October 2024 / Team of 6 : Systems Programmer / 6 weeks
Developed in Unity, Miskatonic is a map management game where you play as an evil being from the cosmos

Notable Contributions
  • Turns
    • Switching between player and AI turns
  • Skills
    • Limited skill points
    • Barrier that affects AI paths
    • AOE that increases fear of AI
    • Room switch that swaps the types of two selected rooms
  • Fear
    • Fear level associated with each AI
    • Meters that track individual and total accumulated fear of AI

Creating foundational systems of the game required they be modular and robust. The various associations and inheritances within them had to be thoughtfully implemented to avoid game-breaking bugs. Additionally, these systems needed to be flexible so that they could be used by other team members and extended upon to meet evolving needs.

To achieve this, I first designed each system in UML with base functionality then implemented them into script. Along with documentation, this provided a concise way for me to understand, communicate, and build upon my code effectively.

Happy! The Hippo

2024 / Grumbismal Games : SWE / Current
Platformer collectathon where you uncover the ominous story behind this lost PS2 game's cancellation. Hidden in-game and within game files, scattered evidence reveals why this project never released.

Notable Contributions
  • File Explorer
    • Retro-inspired file explorer used by players to discover story fragments hidden in game files
    • Option for exporting files into the game that unlock new content

Goose Genie

February 2024 / SpartaSoft Studio : Programmer / 4 Months
Developed in Unity as SpartaSoft Studio's spring semester project. Goose Genie is a 2D platformer with gameplay centered around a player state-changing mechanic. My role was to help implement objects for the player to interact with.

Notable Contributions
  • Grate
    • Pathways/platforms usable only by specific player states
  • Object on Path
    • Objects that move along predetermined paths when triggered by player

Serving as a pathway and platform, the grate had to both ignore and detect player collisions during respective player states. After achieving this, playtesting revealed a bug that allowed the player to infinitely jump while around the grate. This was because the character controller used a ray cast to detect ground- which was hitting the grate's trigger area and collider.

Base implementation is a trigger area that detects when the player is near the grate and adjusts collision detection between the two accordingly. To address the jumping bug, the trigger area and collider are assigned to a layer that ignores the player ray cast. Importantly, the grate's collider is a part of a separate object whose layer dynamically changes to allow for platforming.

Pokémon 1998 Battle

March 2023 / Solo Dev / 3 Weeks
Created in Unity as a part of MSU's MI231: Game and Interactive Media Development class. The assignment was to recreate a classic game from scratch, with a focus on game mechanics.

Notable Mechanics
  • Turn-Based Combat
    • 3 enemy Pokémon with dynamic behavior
    • Enemy/player moves including type interactions
    • Enemy/player defeat
  • Switchable Pokémon
    • Mid-combat switching
    • 3 playable Pokémon
    • HP & PP tracking